After receiving my first sewing machine as a birthday present while Brent and I were on the road across North America, I started experimenting with what I could possibly make. Soon I learned about making quilts, which led to making “watercolor” quilts, a technique of using fabric to “paint” images together. I created some interesting geometrics and landscapes using these techniques, working towards a time when I would be good enough to turn some of our photographs into fabric presentations.
Well, I haven’t had the time to create these fabric wonders, but I have started taking these same techniques and creating them digitally with our nature images. Treating single photographs as squares of fabric, I’ve duplicated, reversed, twisted and turned them into what I call “photoquilts”. We are now offering these for sale as note cards.
I’ve also put together a technical article on how to make photoquits so you can create your own.
Each category set costs PRICE TO BE DETERMINED plus shipping and includes 10 different note cards. You may purchase these by check or money order using our order form. The cards are printed with a color printer onto card stock and blank inside. If you would like to order some with custom messages, let me know. Click on each category to see which images are included in each category.