Yes, another hurricane is on its way. And wow, it’s almost the end of August and we are already into the “k” for hurricane names. Hurricane Katrina. That’s a lot of hurricane names used up this year.
Brent said, in that authoritative way he has, that they just keep going with the names at the end of the year, so if it was already December 31, “L” would be next. I corrected him, gently of course – you know how men are – that the names start alphabetically at the beginning of the hurricane season each year. It’s the weather experts way of providing a “count” by alphabet of each hurricane during the year.
“So we won’t have one named Zelda?”
“This year….with our luck, maybe.”
So Hurricane Katrina is now off the tip of Florida and heading “towards” us. The projects are that it will pass to the east, which is a good thing as the worst of the winds and weather are on the north and east. Unfortunately, the panhandle of Florida has been seriously smacked recently, so this is not a good thing for them. We’re just watching and waiting and wondering.
Right now, our plans are to stay here, but we are still ready to move with only a couple hours notice. We’ve been living packed up since the hurricane names hit “B” and it won’t take long to haul our home down the road. Again.
One Trackback
[…] On my main site, I first wrote about Hurricane Katrina’s approach on August 24, 2005. By August 26, we knew we were too close to ground zero to stay where we were. We hadn’t unpacked from Dennis, so it wouldn’t take long for us to load things up and leave. So we thought. Then I saw my first real picture of what was coming at us. […]