with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Tag Archives: animal photography

Nature Photography, Stink and Smells

In an older article I found on Boing Boing, it mentions how humans can track smells which helps us learn about how animals can track smells. UC Berkeley researchers report that humans can determine where a smell is coming using just our noses. In Berkeley study study, subjects were presented with essence or rose, cloves, […]

Wildlife Photography – Wild Thing, I Think I Love You

Getting to Know You “Are you taking pictures for National Geographic?” A 500mm f4 lens attracts this kind of attention. Brent turned to the woman. “Why? Do you represent them? Are you buying photos for National Geographic?” The man next to us laughed out loud, shattering the quiet at Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. “I’m […]

Under the Covers – Camouflage Techniques for Photographing Wildlife

The life of a nature photographer does have its exciting moments, especially when you get under the sheets with your camera. The use of camouflage can make a difference in how close you can get to nature. Many animals are threatened or suspicious of sights, sounds, and smells they don’t recognize. The human form and […]

Snowshoe Hares

Yarrow is a favorite herb of hares, and this snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) was happily harvesting a huge patch of the herb next to a viewpoint pull-off along Hurricane Ridge Road in the Olympic National Park of Washington State. Active year around, their large hind feet make excellent “snowshoes” in the deep snow of the […]