ARGH!!! I am so tired of software that does more damage than good. I know it is old blather, but aren’t computers supposed to make our jobs easier? I swear….
The web site is finally how I want it, simple and clean and totally without tables, except where appropriate. It took more time than I planned, but that was because I had to relearn how to do a lot and I had to spend a lot of time reading web pages on technique and structure. But it’s finally done. I have been uploading the different versions but was now ready for a total upload. I have been using HotDogPro for the design work, and their built in FTP program for short uploads, but I wanted to go beyond WinXP’s built-in FTP program (which sucks by the way!) and so I searched the Internet for recommendations on FTP programs. WS_FTP came out among the highest, so I downloaded their free version and it was okay. So I decided to try their evaluation on the WS_FTP PRO. It took a bit to figure out how to get it to upload all the folders and details, and I like the layout and ease of the program, especially the synchronize capability which allows me to synch my folders and files with the web site, simple and easy. I set it up and left it running overnight. There were a couple of failures, but I just restarted them and it finished after I got back from my walk the next morning. Yeah.>
end of the day, I wanted to find a link for something I knew was on my web site, so I did a little search and that page took FOREVER to load. What the hell? When it finally came up, I scrolled down, looking for the link, and whoa! Midway in the document it “started over” again with the header and everything. Yikes. I uploaded the page again and it cleared up, but then I kept finding more and more pages like that. Bunches of double loaded and appended pages all distorted. They are perfect on my computer but corrupted on the web site. I uninstalled the FTP program and did a clean reinstall, just to make sure I hadn’t messed things up, and then reloaded a good number of my pages again through the night. When I got up Friday morning, I found even more farkled pages. Damn!
I finally downloaded CuteFTP and tried uploaded again and by afternoon I had my entire site re-uploaded and seeming to work. Unfortunately, CuteFTP has a new stupid policy of a day or two for evaluation and not 15 or 30 days which is normal. So it has expired and I’m not even sure I want it. I don’t know what caused this, as WS_FTP gets the highest ratings, so I’ll have to do a little research. Sorry to all who stumbled on the damaged pages for the 24 hours or less that they were messed up. What a pain.
As for life here in Israel, the storm that was supposed to be a monster, has turned out to be a mouse here in Tel Aviv. I told Maureen I wanted to walk the beach Thursday morning so we could see all the storm waves crashing the beach. There were people out there swimming in the barely visible surf. The sun wasn’t out, but the waves weren’t out either. Darn. But it was great to walk through the mist early in the morning.
We got as far as the Tiyalet in front of the King David Hotel to visit our favorite little beach kitties. There is a gorgeous black short hair mother that was once loved by humans, who loves to be petted and cuddled a bit, though holding is only for a moment. Her kittens aren’t people friendly, but they do come up for food. There is a runt black one that breaks my heart, reminding me of all the wonderful black kitties I’ve had in my life – I seem to have some weird attraction to black cats – and I want to rescue it. I probably could have a month ago when I first spotted it, but already it is too old and unaccustomed to human hands. If you don’t get them touched by humans in the first six weeks of their life, they will never be good at being touched. It took me almost a year to get Dahni to let me cuddle him. I kept at it, but it was a terrible time. And these hands worked so hard to save his life at the end….
Anyway, I got a little kitty cuddle which I’ve missed so very much. Then walked home to battle the computer foes. ARGH!
Tel Aviv, Israel