The following information is used by us for submission of our site to search engines manually. It is included here as a reference guide.
URL (web page address):
Web Site Name or Title: Taking Your Camera on the Road
Web Site Description (short – 106 characters, 17 words): Articles, tips, tricks, and techniques for nature photographers and travel photographers taking their cameras on the road.
Web Site Description (long – 235 characters, 37 words): Articles, tips, tricks, and techniques about nature photography and travel photography and taking your camera on the road. Tips on specific locations, travel issues, nature photography, travel photography, digital photography, business, writing, and the Internet and web.
Keywords (for site): photography,nature photography,travel photography,nature,travel, photographs,photographer,photographic,Israel,camping, digital,landscapes,national park,wildlife refuge,weather,web,Internet,trailer,living, live on the road,RV,traveling,cameras,film, road,search,technology,wildlife, articles,writing,images,world,international
- Art, Visual Art, Photography, Nature Photography
- Art, Visual Art, Photogaphy, Travel Photography
- Art, Visual Art, Photography, Workshops and Programs
- Art, Visual Art, Photography, Nature Photography, Educaton
- Business, Arts and Entertainment, Photography, Photographers, Travel and Location
- Art, Photography, How To
- Art, Photography, Nature, Techniques
- Art, Photography, Outdoors
- Art, Photography, Outdoor and Nature
- Travel, Education
- Travel, Photography
- Travel, Techniques
- Travel, How-To