with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Lufthansa’s Ad for Surfing While Flying in Hebrew

Brent went into work yesterday morning and checked his email at his Hotmail account. A few years ago, Hotmail somehow figured out that he speaks Hebrew or got it into their system that the majority of the pages he read at the time were all in Hebrew, so no matter where we are in the world, when he checks his Hotmail account via web pages, they show him ads in Hebrew. We’ve checked the profile and all, but he gets them in Spain, Amsterdam, England, USA, Prague, and you name it. Even in Israel. Even here in Alabama. Mostly he ignores them, but this caught his eye.

Ad for Surf while you Fly from Lufthansa Airlines in Hebrew
Ad for Surf while you Fly from Lufthansa Airlines in Hebrew

Lufthansa: For the first time in Israel, only on Lufthansa, FlyNet Wireless Internet during the flight.
Starting now, you can work online during the flight.

This is the Boeing/Star Aviation project that Brent has been working on since December. Imagine his surprise. For those not keeping up with things, Brent is working on the engineering aspect of installing these wireless Internet packages on commercial passenger airplanes. The company is installing them all over the place outside of the US. Who knows what the US airlines are thinking since they are totally behind the times, but the international demand for WIFI Internet for airline passengers is booming business!

El Al wants Internet on their airplanes, too. So it will be interesting to have two airlines competing for Internet customers on their flights to and from Israel. The battle for Internet in the skies is underway!

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