Lorelle and Brent VanFossen travel full-time with their camera, working from the road or wherever they are. Their images and articles are published in magazines from around the world including Shutterbug, Outdoor and Nature Photography, The Mountaineer, PhotoTechniques, and more. They also offer a variety of educational programs on nature photography, travel, and writing. Traveling across North America for several years, they ran their editorial photography business from their 30 foot fifth wheel trailer as they criss-crossed the country. The VanFossens’ travels and adventures are featured on their web page and in monthly email “newsletter” reports from the road to more than 200 individuals. They are frequent guest speakers on Compuserve and are highlighted in many regional magazines, newspapers, radio and television stations discussing their work and experiences including a recent feature on New Mexico’s “LA Times TV” show for PBS.
Included here are highlights of some of Lorelle and Brent’s writing, photography, and instructing experiences together and separately.
Update: As of December 2004, Brent and Lorelle moved from Israel, where they spent five years living and working, back to the United States. They are currently in Mobile, Alabama, on another “temporary” job (the last temporary job lasted five years!) and you can follow their adventures and life on the road on Lorelle’s Journal Thoughts online weblog.
- Published Highlights
- These are highlights of some of the articles written by Lorelle and Brent VanFossen, individually and together.
Publication Production Highlights
- As a long-time writer and editor, Lorelle has edited and published a variety of newsletters, magazines, and web pages.
- Presentation Highlights
- Both together and individually, Lorelle and Brent have produced a wide range of educational programs specifically customized for the participants. For a full list of available programs, check out their Workshop pages.
- Production Highlights
- Lorelle has produced a number of educational and entertainment productions over the years and continues with VanFossen Productions and other organizations.
- Instructor Highlights
- Photography and writing are not the only things Lorelle teaches. Here are a few of the unusual projects she’s been involved with.
- Professional Societies
- Sometimes you are judged just by your work and other times by the company you keep. Lorelle and Brent do great work and keep awesome company. Here are a few associations they’ve been involved with.
Published Highlights
With Brent VanFossen
- VanFossen Productions’ “Taking Your Camera on the Road” website, with hundreds of articles, 1996 – present.
- “Splish Splash”, newspaper article/images, Everett Herald, Washington State 1999
- “The Traveling Nature Photographer”, article and images, Outdoor and Nature Photography Magazine, 1999
- “More Stuff: Equipment for Nature Photography”, article and images, Outdoor and Nature Photography, 1998
- “Cabinet Latches for Trailers”, 10 Minute Tech, Trailer Life Magazine, January 1998
- “Wild Things! Tips on Photographing Wildlife”, article and images including cover photo, Outdoor and Nature Photography, 1997
- “Taking Your Camera on the Road”, Compuserve Photography Forum, NANPA, 1996 Media Highlights
- “Wildlife Pursuit: 20 Pro Pointers”, article and images, Outdoor and Nature Photography Magazine, 1997
- “Adapt Your Equipment to Your Expertise”, article/images, Outdoor and Nature Photography Magazine, 1997
- Quarterly Column, “Natural Moments”, Outdoor and Nature Photography Magazine, 1998
- “On the Wild Side”, article featuring Brent and Lorelle VanFossen, Queen Anne News, 1995
By Lorelle VanFossen
- “First Steps With WordPress”, technical how-to article for beginners, WordPress Codex, 2005
- “Stepping Into Templates”, technical how-to article for beginners on working with template files in WordPress, WordPress Codex, 2005
- “WordPress Lessons – Article Series”, extensive on-going series of technical how-to articles for beginners and intermediate users of WordPress on website design and development, technical usage, and troubleshooting, WordPress Codex, 2005
- “Life Makeovers in Israel”, essay series as part of self improvement program with ESRA/Life Makeovers, 2001-2002
- “Looking Good”, newspaper series on self improvement through proper skin care, Jerusalem Post, Israel 2002-2003
- Purpose and Passion: Life’s Fuel, Phenomenal Women, 2004
- Instantly Improve Your Photography – Overcoming Bull’s Eye Syndrome, Phenomenal Women, 2004
- Getting It Right For Everyone – Great websites Start With Standards
- “Asking For It: Photographic Workshops”, six month series, PSA Journal, 2000
- “The Artistry of Art Wolfe”, interview article, Shutterbug, November 1998
- “Art Wolfe’s Rainforest Secrets”, exclusive book review and interview article, UK PhotoTechniques, 1998
- “Fees to Photograph”, article and images, Outdoor and Nature Photography Magazine, 1998
- “Wet Belly Photography”, article and images, Compuserve Home and Garden online, 1998
- “Africa, Exploring the Dark Continent”, interview article, Outdoor and Nature Photography Magazine, 1996
- “School of Nature Photography”, article and images, Outdoor and Nature Photography, 1996
- “The Ideal Nature Photography Vehicle”, Compuserve Photography Forum, NANPA, 1996
- “Environmental Impact”, interview article for Outdoor and Nature Photography Magazine, 1996
- Travel/Photo bimonthly column, CruiseLetter Newsletter, cruise ship industry publication, 1995-1997
- Travel/Photo bimonthly column, Ken Smith’s CruiseLetter Web Magazine, 1995-1996
- “Personal Safety in the Outdoors”, article and images, Arriving Magazine, 1996
- “Bull’s Eye”, article and image on photographic composition, Arriving Magazine, 1996
- “News from Seattle”, column photo news, Currents, NANPA association newsletter, 1995-1996
- “White Mice, Rocket Scientists and Dolphins”, VanFossen Ink, VanFossen Productions, 1995
- “Battling the Dot Animal”, VanFossen Ink, VanFossen Productions, 1995
- “Winter Blues” and “Winter Whites”, VanFossen Ink, VanFossen Productions, 1995
- “Hot Tips for Hot Shots: Summer Photography”, VanFossen Ink, VanFossen Productions, 1994
- “Nature Photographers Speak Out for Nature”, Mountaineer Magazine, 1994
- “Personal Safety in the Outdoors”, Grapevine, Alternatives to Fear Newsletter, 1994
- “Fighting Back”, Everett News Tribune, Front Page story on Alternatives to Fear, 1991
Publication Production Highlights
Lorelle VanFossen wrote press releases and ads during her high school years for her mother’s real estate office, eventually leading to her own small graphic design business. Her first image was sold when she was 15, a photograph of the Matterhorn. Since then, she has worked as a writer, designer, editor, producer, and publisher. Together with her husband, Brent VanFossen, an accomplished nature photographer, they publish their photographs and articles in publications throughout the world, as well as produce their own photography workshops and programs.
- Editorial Staff, WordPress Codex
- Since -2004 – Provided editing and writing services as a volunteer for the official documentation site for WordPress software program, an open source blogging and CMS website program. Provided sysop services, editorial, assigning articles, and overall editorial consultant.
- Newsletter Editor/Publisher, VanFossen Ink
- VanFossen Productions, since 1994 – Produce, edit and write quarterly publication on nature photography instruction with seasonal highlights and produce company website.
- Website Editor/Publisher, “Taking Your Camera on the Road”
- VanFossen Productions, since 2000 – Produce, design, edit and write extensive website featuring hudnreds of articles (and growing) on travel, nature, nature photography, life, editorial essays, and other information related to the VanFossen’s life on the road.
- Website Editor, North American Nature Photography Association
- 1995-1998 – Produced and published the official website for the non-profit association for nature photography, including producing and coordinating online events on Compuserve and AOL.
- Newsletter Editor/Publisher
- Seattle Mountaineers Photography Committee – Seattle, 1987-1995 – Produce and publish in-house newsletter two to four times a year on nature photography, travel, education, and program events.
- Newsletter Editor/Publisher
- American Business Women’s Association’s Ke-Harbor Chapter of Seattle – Produced and edited chapter newsletter, receiving Top Newsletter Editor Honors in Region 1989, and honorable mention in 1990. Newsletter included member interviews, activities and events listing for local and national programs.
- Newsletter Editor/Publisher, Grapevine
- Alternatives to Fear, Seattle, 1986-1994 – Produced and edited articles for the monthly internal newsletter for organization members on self defense and sexual assault prevention issues and related topics. Included member interviews and organizational activity reviews.
- Newsletter Assistant Publisher, Beyond the Shadows
- Alternatives to Fear, Seattle, 1986-1994 – Quarterly publication for the public on organization events & sexual assault prevention education issues.
Program Presentation Highlights
Working together, Lorelle and Brent have presented a wide range of programs including many customized for specific audiences. Their programs usually sell out, so if you are interested in bringing a VanFossen Production to your group, association, or club, please contact them to make arrangments. For more information about the various programs offered, check out their workshop programs and current program listings. They have also been featured together on television and in the media highlighting their travels and adventures. Lorelle has been a long time self defense instructor and public speaker and some highlights of those programs are included.
- Introduction to the Internet
- Seminars on Internet basics for English speaking group (ESRA), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2002-2003
- Life Makeover – Self-Improvement Seminars
- Based on Cheryl Richardson’s book, Life Makeover, a year-long series of monthly seminars on improving the quality of your life for English speaking group (ESRA), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2001-2002
- Patterns in Nature
- Photography seminar on nature photography techniques photographing and recognizing the patterns in nature, ESRA, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2002-2003
- Wild Thing, photographing wildlife
- Photography seminar on wildlife photography, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2002-2003
- Closeups in Nature
- Photography seminars on macro photography, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2002-2003
- Internet Tips and Tricks
- Seminars on Internet techniques for English speaking group in Tel Aviv, Israel, 2001-2003
- Personal Safety for Travelers
- Safety strategies for travelers and basic self defense techniques, ESRA, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2001-2003
- Creative Patterns: Patterns in Nature for Quilters
- Custom educational program, VanFossen Productions, Piedmont Quilters Guild, Greensboro, NC, August 1999
- LA Times
- Television interview show hosted by Bev Maxwell, Los Alamos, New Mexico, March 1997
- Taking Your Camera on the Road
- Online seminar, Compuserve Photography Forum, 1996
- Publicizing Your Workshop or Event
- Online seminar, Compuserve Photography Forum, 1996
- The Business of Nature Photography
- Online presentation, Compuserve Photography Forum, 1995
- Personal Safety in the Outdoors
- Seattle Mountaineers/Everett Parks & Recreation Department 1994-1995
- Basic Nature Photography for Writers
- Washington Press Association Annual Retreat, 1995
- Alternatives to Fear for Grocery Store Clerks
- Alternatives to Fear/Grocery Clerk’s Union #1105 1995
- Alcohol and Date Rape
- Alternatives to Fear Training Program, 1994
- Alternatives to Fear in the Workplace
- ongoing program, Alternatives to Fear, 1991-present
- Active Listening
- Alternatives to Fear Training Program, 1994
- Sexual Assault in the Workplace
- Alternatives to Fear Training Program, 1993-1996
- Personal Safety for Women
- Instructor, Alternatives to Fear, Seattle, 1985-1996
- Fighting Back Now
- Alternatives to Fear educational program, KIRO-TV and Radio, Seattle, 1995
- Teachers Fighting Back
- Alternatives to Fear, featured providing self defense training to elementary and high school teachers, KIRO-TV News, KSTW-TV News, and KIRO-AM Radio, 1994
- Rape: Talking to Men about Sexual Assault Prevention
- Alternatives to Fear Training Program, 1993
- A Career in Photography
- South Seattle High School photography students, 1992
- Prevention Education: Putting a Stop to Rape
- Alternatives to Fear, CBS World News Tonight, 1992
- Advertising Techniques and Strategies
- BeautiControl Consultants, 1991
- What is Advertising?
- American Business Women’s Association, 1990
- Public Speaking and Stage Fright
- American Business Women’s Association, 1989
Production Highlights
Lorelle has long worked as an actress and singer bringing that experience to many productions ranging from educational to stage productions.
- Local Producer and Publicist
- “Inner Visions”, travel photography program with Lisl Dennis and Nevada Wier, Bellevue, Washington, 1996
- VanFossen Productions
- owner/producer, nature photography programs, workshops and tours, since 1993
- Overall Coordinator/Producer – Professional Nature Photographers Speaking Series
- Mountaineers, 1989 -1995 – Featured speakers: Darrell Gulin, Stewart Westmoreland, Pat Leeson, Daniel Cox, Joe McDonald, Gary Braasch, Natalie Fobes, Charles Krebs, Bryan Peterson, Martha Hill, Kevin Schafer, Pat O’Hara, Lee Mann, Wendy Shattill, and more.
- Overall Coordinator/Producer – Annual Basic Photography Course
- Mountaineers, 1988-1995 – Coordinated 4-week course on basics of nature photography with instruction & field trips with volunteer instructors.
- Assistant Production Team – Up With People Silver Anniversary Celebration
- Denver, Colorado 1991 – Assisted with production and coordination of five day event including programs, full media events, setup and strike, and security for an audience of over 6,000 at the brand new Denver Convention Center.
- Stage Manager/Co-Producer – Cabaret Crepe de Paris
- Seattle, Washington 1987-89 – Handled producing, staging, directing and costuming of cabaret shows, including writing successful Christmas program called “A Toast to Christmas”.
- Stage/Musical actress
- For information on stage performances, ask for Performance Resume.
Instructor Highlights
Begining early in 1984, Lorelle began presenting educational programs for business women, then self defense programs for women, and as her photography interests were honed, she expanded her curriculum to include much more. As a long time dancer, she finally found an exciting fitness program to teach, too.
- Internet Instruction
- Taught workshops on “Internet Tips and Tricks” for ESRA (English Speaking Residents Association), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2001
- Personal Safety for Travelers
- workshop/seminar on personal safety and self defense techniques for men and women who travel, ESRA, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2001
- Water Aerobic Instructor
- Arthritis, Deep & Shallow Water, YMCA Central, Greensboro, North Carolina, 1998-1999
- Water Aerobic Instructor/Assistant
- Karyn Murat JUMP Fitness Company, Everett, Washington, since 1996
- Nature Photography Instructor
- VanFossen Productions, Seattle, Washington, since 1993 – Coordination and production, as well as instruction, on various aspects of nature photography, from the most basic elements to advanced techniques. Taught in partnership with husband, Brent VanFossen.
- Nature Photography Instructor
- Mountaineers Photography Committee, Seattle, Washington, since 1988 – Coordination, production and presentation of nature photography education programs.
- Self Defense Instructor/Presenter
- Alternatives to Fear, Seattle, Washington, since 1985 – Sexual assault prevention educational organization. Taught seminars & 6 week educational programs for women, teens, seniors and children on self defense and prevention. Provided training and advanced studies for self defense instructors.
- Advertising/Marketing Instruction
- representing Central Lithograph, Seattle, Washington, 1984-1992 – Provided a variety of educational programs on advertising, marketing, promotions and printing to associations and groups while representing a commercial printing company.
Professional Societies
Lorelle has been a long time member of many different associations, often serving on the board of directors and as an active volunteer. At one time she was an active member in 26 non-profit and professional associations.
- WordPress Codex
- Member since -2004 – Served by providing editing and writing services as a volunteer for the official documentation site for WordPress software program, an open source blogging and CMS website program. Provided sysop services, editorial, assigning articles, and overall editorial consultant.
- WordPress Support Forum
- Member since 2004 – Served by providing technical support for the WordPress Software as a volunteer, assisting users with problems associated with installation, usage, and design of their WordPress websites.
- Photographic Art Society of Israel
- Member since 2002 – Served by providing assistance in production and coordination of photo exhibition and educational programs.
- English Speaking Residents Association (ESRA)
- member since 2000 – Served by providing educational programs on computer usage, Internet, photography, self defense, and self-improvement programs.
- North American Nature Photography Association
- Member since 1995 – Served as: Online representative, program and special event coordinator, web page designer/developer, association liaison, and newsletter advisor.
- American Business Women’s Association
- Member since 1988 – Served as Vice President, Secretary, newsletter editor/publisher, publicity, fund-raising, education, program coordination. Honored: 1990 American Business Woman of the Year for Ke-Harbor Chapter. Fund-raising efforts and special events increased scholarship annual fund from $1000 to $4000 in two years. Recognition: Raised $3,000 for victims with 48 hours of the San Francisco Earthquake in association with USBank.
- Seattle Mountaineers
- Member since 1988 – Overall Coordinator – Annual Nature Photography Course 1989 -1995: publicity and volunteer coordinator, outing leader, program producer and coordinator and instructor. Recognition: Increased funding by 300% in three years and volunteer support by 450%
- Photographic Society of America
- Member since 1985 – Served as: online representative, club liaison and special events coordinator
- WordPerfect User Group of Seattle
- Member since 1988 – Served as: Secretary, Program Planning, Instructor
- Washington Press Assocation/National Federation of Press Women
- Member since 1987 – Served as: Vice President, Secretary, publicity, special event coordinator, press/media contest judge
- Alternatives To Fear
- Women’s self defense organization – member since 1985
- Event coordinator, photographer, self defense instructor and trainer, Board of Directors
- American Film Institute
- Member 1985 – 1990
- Women in Graphic Arts
- Seattle – Member 1985-1989
- Up With People International Alumni Association
- Member since 1978