with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Home Schooling on the Road

Traveling on the road with your children, especially if you decide to go full-time, presents some challenges for traveling with school age children. Resourcefull Lacrosse’s article on “Home Schooling in Your Motorhome” tackles this issue.

Your one room school house on wheels.

One of major concerns of parents who decide to home school their children is that their child is not exposed to the wide array of mental stimuli encountered by children who participate in a more conventional education. Children who go to public and even private schools are exposed to many different cultures, personalities and diverse beliefs. However, children schooled in the home sometimes are not exposed to a wide variety of other children. Co-operative home schooling, which brings a number of families together to share the work in educating their children, helps somewhat but home schooled children still, may not experience the plethora of mental stimuli experienced by their more traditionally schooled counterparts. One way to ensure that your child has access to these stimuli is to pack up your motor home and hit the road.

The article focuses on how to match home schooling lessons with specific travel destinations to help children learn by being in the location that teaches the lesson. Want to study geology – head for the Grand Canyon. Want to study math and sciences and the history of the atomic bomb, well, then put Alamos, New Mexico, on your travel itinerary.

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