with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen

Lorelle VanFossen is one of the top bloggers in the world, and host of the Lorelle on WordPress, providing WordPress and blogging tips for bloggers of all levels. A popular keynote speaker and trainer, she is also editor, producer, contributor, and official disruptive thinker for Bitwire Media which includes WordCast, Making My Life Network, Stories of Our Journeys, Life on the Road, WordCast Conversations, and the very popular WordCast Podcast. She is also author of one of the first books on blogging, "Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging" and the recently released ebook, Social Media for Crafters: Covering the Basics of the Social Web. Taking Your Camera on the Road, founded by Lorelle, is one of the oldest personal websites in continuous existence in the world.

Creating WordPress Blog Looks with Bloggia

Setting up the “look” of your blog can be painful if you aren’t familiar with CSS and HMTL. Bloggia Weblog Hosting helps you create your own WordPress Blog “look” or theme. It’s really easy to do and fun to be creative with the different colors, but it doesn’t allow you to adjust column width other […]

Searching and Replacing The Code

Every web page developer and designer has their own unique way of presenting their code, and packaged HMTL software packages often overcode their output, so no matter how hard you worked to streamline your code and make it consistent and valid, there will always be exceptions to your own rules. You still have to go […]

Putting Our Site into WordPress

Once I had a grip on the language of PHP and an understanding of MySQL, I needed to start thinking about how it would convert into database material. And I needed to figure out how to get this information not only into the database, but to meet WordPress’ needs for generating the content. Nothing is […]

PhotoQuilt Cards – Manmade Designs

Nature isn’t our only photographic subject. We love the designs and creations of man. These photoquilts celebrate some of the interesting manmade subjects we’ve encountered. Information on ordering these PhotoQuilt Cards will be available soon. PhotoQuilt Designs with Original Image Arab books Istanbul, Turkey Photo by Lorelle VanFossen Caesaria Aqueduct Israel Photo by Brent VanFossen […]

PhotoQuilt Cards – Land Designs

The fight over land is eternal. Who is to say what land belongs to whom and why? We all need a place to live. These photographic designs celebrate the diversity that is the earth and its land. Information on ordering these PhotoQuilt Cards will be available soon. PhotoQuilt Design with Original Images Arava Desert, Southern […]

PhotoQuilt Cards – Foliage Designs

Plants help create the oxygen we need to survive, but they also feed and shelter us and provide us with many of the necessities of life. As you surround yourself with the wonders of plantlife in your home and office, consider sharing the kaleidoscope of foliage with others with these innovative designs. Information on ordering […]

PhotoQuilt Cards – Flower Designs

A rose is a rose is a rose…or is it? We’ve taken some favorite flower photographs of ours and created interesting photoquilts and kaleidoscopes created for your enjoyment. Information on ordering these PhotoQuilt Cards will be available soon. PhotoQuilt Design with Original Images Yellow Rose I Photo by Lorelle VanFossen Yellow Rose II Photo by […]

PhotoQuilt Cards – Winter Designs

Winter is a time of cold and chill, but it is also a time for rest and quiet. Animals hibernate, snow comes down in whispers, many birds move on to warmer climes, and most humans stay inside. We hope you enjoy some of our cooler images. Information on ordering these PhotoQuilt Cards will be available […]

PhotoQuilt Cards – Wildlife Designs

Wild animals are beautiful and graceful in their own right. Yet they represent some of the most fascinating patterns found in the natural world. These photoquilts celebrate the incredible diversity of our planet’s wildlife, from the smallest to the largest. Information on ordering these PhotoQuilt Cards will be available soon. PhotoQuilt Design with Original Images […]

PhotoQuilt Cards – Water Designs

Water is a must for survival on this planet. Too often it is ignored, abused, neglected, and taken for granted. We celebrate the wonder of water with these distinctive water designs. Information on ordering these PhotoQuilt Cards will be available soon. PhotoQuilt Design with the Original Image Water Against Rocks Photo by Brent VanFossen Sharon […]

PhotoQuilt Cards – Tree Designs

Trees provide oxygen and valuable resources. They are one of our best and least protected renewable resources. From trees we get shelter, clothing, and many necessary products such as paper and pencils. As you do your best to save the trees who provide us with so much, celebrate their majestic qualities with these fascinating photoquilt […]

Learning About WordPress

[Note: The following is the thought process I went through as I slowly turned my site over from static HTML to WordPress, a database driving PHP-enabled site management system built originally for bloggers. Following along with this, you will learn that many of my first assumptions turned out to be wrong, and others were smack […]

Alternatives to Fear – Israel – Rape Resources

While living in Israel for five years, Lorelle taught courses on personal safety and self defense for women. The following is a list of resources specifically for Israel and including other international resources for rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, women’s shelters, violence against women, and how to get help. Information Resources The following resources are […]

Recreating Camera on the Road with WordPress

[Note: The following is the thought process I went through as I slowly turned my site over from static HTML to WordPress, a database driving PHP-enabled site management system built originally for bloggers. Following along with this, you will learn that many of my first assumptions turned out to be wrong, and others were smack […]

Northwest Trek

Growling bears, hissing cats, snorting beavers, splashing otters, howling wolves, calling eagles, screeching sandpile cranes, bugling elk…these are the sights and sounds that accompany you on your tour through the various native species of the United States Pacific Northwest when you visit Northwest Trek. Located near the foot of Mt. Rainier not far from the […]