with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Personal Safety and Self-Defense Course for Women in Tel Aviv

DATE: September 2002
SUBJECT: Women Can Fight Back

ESRA – English Speaking residents Association
“Volunteering Together for the Community”
PO Box 5816, Herzliya 46157

Women Can Fight Back – Personal Safety Course for Women

Tel Aviv, Israel – Current statistics report that one in three women will be sexually assaulted in their life time. He comes at you in the dark. A male, 18-40 years old, probably violent, drunk, on drugs, and looking for you, or you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Many women have grown up with this myth. The world is now learning that about 90 percent of all sexual assaults are committed by someone the woman knows. Since the odds are that you will be attacked sometime in your life, that still leaves 10 percent of attacks committed by strangers, but how do you protect yourself from the attacker you don’t know as well as the attacker you do know?

It’s time to learn how to protect yourself. ESRA-Raanana presents veteran traveler and self-defense instructor, Lorelle VanFossen, teaching a six week course exploring the different aspects of personal safety and sexual assault prevention. Participants will learn physical resistance techniques as well as communication and awareness skills in order to develop self confidence to defend herself at home, work, on the streets and whilst traveling. The six-week course is open to women 16+ of all fitness levels. Couch potatoes welcome!

The self defense techniques are easy to learn, easy to remember, and can be done by anyone in any situation, which attributes to the success of the program. Students should wear comfortable clothing to allow freedom of movement. The participant will learn how to defend herself verbally and physically in a variety of situations such as waiting for the bus, in a car, at work, at home, in bed, and in a hotel.

The program runs on Thursdays, from October 24th – November 28th 2002, in Raanana 19:00- 22:00. Cost: NIS 225; ESRAcards NIS 200. Registration: Ita 09-748 2957.


For more information on who the VanFossens are and what are they doing as they take their camera on the road, visit their Doing Zone.

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