I’ve been digging into the various options and gizmos associated with using WordPress for blogging. I’m amazed at the incredible work done by so many to advance this free software. Seriously swift folks are battling away at spammers, and pumping up the capabilities of WordPress for everyone. And they are all so willing to share that knowledge and expertise. I’m humbled.
Here are a few of the whiz bang plug-ins and add-ons that I’ve found so far for WordPress blog software.
- Tamba2’s Resources for WordPress’s Anti-Spam techniques
- Wiki WordPress Plugins Listing
- Unknowngenius.com’s WordPress Plugin Database
- Mt. Dew Virus’s WordPress Plugins and Hacks
- Bistr-o-Mathik’s WordPress Plugins
- Weblog Tools Collection WordPress Hacks
- Chait Gear’s Final Candidate: CG-PowerPack PHP & WordPress Scripts/Plugins
- WordPress KEYWORDS Meta Tag Generator and Static Page Converter
After checking out some of the “easier” plug-ins and hacks, I’ve added a few.
- Countdown – Allows the easy inclusion of how many days until or since a specific event. For instance, it could say that there are 4 days until the US Presidential Election or 3 days after the US Presidential Election. I’ve included it in the sidebar to let people know how many days until we arrive back in the US and a few other useless bits of date information.
- Wasabi’s Related Posts WordPress Plugin: After much messing around with different options to create a list of posts related to the current post, I found this awesome plugin which searches through the text of the posts and finds the words most common in the current post and lists those links. It ain’t perfect, but it gets most of the related posts 8 out of 10 times. Wonderful!
- Manalang’s WordPress Plugin for Condensed Content for Date and Category Archives – I’m still trying to make this work, but the goal is to have the main page feature snippets of the most recent blogs with a click to take you to the whole thing for thorough reading.
- Discussion on Blog by Email Problems and Instructions for Blog by Email – Another process with plugins that I’m still working on. Can’t get it to work yet, but I’m eager that it does. Seems the problem may be with my host server.
I’ll list more goodies as I find them, and hopefully figure out the details and post them here so I can use them again in the future…in case things get screwed up. This is our life. We have become experts in computer crashes and problems and trips from hell. I want an easier, simplier, boring life….just for a while.
Tel Aviv, Israel