with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Behind the Scenes: Lacy Trees in Winter

lacy snow covered trees, gaston, oregon, by Lorelle VanFossen

Winter is one of my favorites, and trees coated in snow is top of the list.

I captured these ancient trees along the pond at the farm in Gaston, Oregon, where we stayed the first two years back in the Pacific Northwest. Their twisted and gnarled branches were perfect for creating a lacy effect with the heavy dusting of snow frozen to their branches.

As with all snowy white photographs, I would have normally overexposed the image to whiten the snow, but I chose to underexpose the image to bring out the darker subtle tones of the branches.

It’s a creative decision to focus on the white of the snow or the dark of the branches and underground. Bracket across then choose from which image you like.

This was a long exposure due to the low light in the snowy weather, thus a tripod was critical to capture this scene.

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