with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Tag Archives: technology

WordPress Plugin – Related Posts

There is a lot about WordPress and PHP that I’m still learning. I did my first PHP mySQL query today as part of the installation of Wasabi’s Related Posts WordPress Plugin. This is a truly AWESOME WordPress plugin. Unfortunately, the help file isn’t very helpful when it comes to explaining how to access your mySQL […]

WordPress Plugins Database

I found an interesting collection of WordPress plugins from Unknowngenius.com’s WordPress Plugins Database. Worth checking out. Mobile, Alabama

Fixing WordPress Category Separators

After a bunch of searching, I found a way to create a separation between the categories under the title of each blog entry, following “Filed Under”. It is called a “category separator”. Look in the index.php file for <?php the_category() ?> and in the parentheses, if there is nothing there, you can put something there. […]