There are many ways of arranging content. Articles often feature tip boxes, pull-quotes, blockquotes, lists, tables of contents, and menu items helping people get the information they need within and without of the scope of the article. These can also include step-by-step instructions pulled from the article to help take people through the process.
We decided to experiment with a few of these content handling designs to find ways of moving beyond the pull-quote or blockquote to actually presenting bits and pieces of information in an interesting and eye catching fashion with CSS as part of our CSS experiments. In general, the HTML is simple, but the design elements can be sophisticated. As mentioned before, these are CSS experiments, so test them thoroughly within your own design to make sure they work.
Most of these content handling designs begin with a list. It’s what you do with the list that makes the design interesting and part of our CSS experiments.
For more information on how these were done and how to use these CSS design elements and style experiments, see CSS Experiments – How They Were Done and More and CSS Experiments Putting It All Together.
To see how these CSS experimental boxes and styles work, view the source code of the page. In your web browser menu, click VIEW > SOURCE or VIEW > PAGE SOURCE to view the source code. For the most part, the styles are included inline with each design.
- CSS Unleashed – Experiments with CSS Designs
- CSS Book Recommendations
- CSS Experiments Playing With CSS Blocks
- CSS Experiments with CSS Logo Designs
- CSS Experiments with Background Images and Backgrounds
- CSS Experiments with Lists, Menus, Tables of Content, and More
- CSS Experiments – Web Fonts and Embedded Fonts
- CSS Unleashed – Experiments with Quotations, Pull-quotes and Blockquotes
- CSS Unleashed – Experiments Showcasing Your Photography
- CSS Experiments – Variations on a Theme
- CSS Experiments – How They Were Done and More
- CSS Experiments Putting It All Together
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Buying a Camera Overcoming the camera buying fears.
- Buying a Used Camera A great camera can be a once-loved camera.
- Lighting Accessories Light is the trick of all photography.
- The Camera Bag Know before you go what you need to lug it with you.
Let’s go back to the simple list and remove the list images and see what we come up with.
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
The HTML for these CSS experiment designs can be set up in lists, paragraphs, or other HTML tag divisions and containers. We’ve kept the style codes inline for tweaking and messing, and we discuss how to pull these inline CSS codes out to become style sheet references in our last section on this series.
As with all these types of designs and CSS experiments, the color choices are unlimited, so use your imagination and play with these designs to match your own web page designs.
Background Magic Investigating your backgrounds Lorelle and Brent VanFossen
Patterns in Nature Exploring the geometry of nature Lorelle and Brent VanFossen
Close Ups In Nature Peek into the world of the small Lorelle and Brent VanFossen
Digital Camera Tips and Tricks Techno-age meets tree huggers Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Introduction to the basics of nature photography, from the first step to advanced techniques, including digital photography

Wildlife photography is an exciting part of nature photography. We have the the tips, techniques and advice you need for photographing wildlife and wild things

New article series on exploring the geometry of nature through line, shape, texture, color, pattern and rhythm, shape recognition
If you are looking for answers to your nature photography questions, you’ve come to the right place.
Email us at either or We travel a lot so please don’t expect a prompt reply.
You can also call 020 020 020 0200 but never during the day or night.
Mailing Address
We are rarely home but if you want to mail something to us, please send it to:
1234 Fred Street
Fredville, FRED 002000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Vestibulum sollicitudin pede vitae erat. Aenean purus velit, posuere non, auctor ut, hendrerit laoreet, wisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut pede quam, tincidunt in, scelerisque id, gravida eget, mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Vestibulum sollicitudin pede vitae erat. Aenean purus velit, posuere non, auctor ut, hendrerit laoreet, wisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut pede quam, tincidunt in, scelerisque id, gravida eget, mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Vestibulum sollicitudin pede vitae erat. Aenean purus velit, posuere non, auctor ut, hendrerit laoreet, wisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut pede quam, tincidunt in, scelerisque id, gravida eget, mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Vestibulum sollicitudin pede vitae erat. Aenean purus velit, posuere non, auctor ut, hendrerit laoreet, wisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut pede quam, tincidunt in, scelerisque id, gravida eget, mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
2Vestibulum sollicitudin pede vitae erat. Aenean purus velit, posuere non, auctor ut, hendrerit laoreet, wisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut pede quam, tincidunt in, scelerisque id, gravida eget, mauris.
3Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Vestibulum sollicitudin pede vitae erat. Aenean purus velit, posuere non, auctor ut, hendrerit laoreet, wisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut pede quam, tincidunt in, scelerisque id, gravida eget, mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
The following are step by step instructions for the process involved.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
Vestibulum sollicitudin pede vitae erat. Aenean purus velit, posuere non, auctor ut, hendrerit laoreet, wisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut pede quam, tincidunt in, scelerisque id, gravida eget, mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
STEP ONE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
STEP TWO Vestibulum sollicitudin pede vitae erat. Aenean purus velit, posuere non, auctor ut, hendrerit laoreet, wisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut pede quam, tincidunt in, scelerisque id, gravida eget, mauris.
STEP THREE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi quam tortor, pulvinar ut, luctus vel, vestibulum id, wisi. Maecenas molestie sollicitudin velit. Duis bibendum elit vitae dui. Fusce feugiat, nunc quis euismod rutrum, neque mauris luctus tortor, ut tempus tortor orci quis mauris.
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[…] For more information on styling lists, menus, and other graphic in-post containers, see CSS Unleashed – Experiments with Lists, Menus, Tables of Content, and More. […]
[…] CSS Experiments with Lists and Menus […]
[…] ago, I have many examples of how to style content and graphics using only HTML and CSS including experiments with Lists, Menus, Tables of Content, and more, if you are looking for pushing your list making to new horizons. The styles presented are free to […]