Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen
List of CSS Found Within Which WordPress Files
In order to make any adjustments to the HTML of your new WordPress site and Theme, you have to find the references to the styles in the php code of each page section. In WordPress 1.2, this was easy because most of the information was found in the index.php page. With WordPress 1.5, everything is […]
Views of a Web Page
Web pages aren’t viewed by everyone equally. We’ve taken one of our web pages and passed it through some tests to resize, reshape, mash, smash, shrink, expand, and mess with our design. If you are going to experiment with CSS, or even if you are just designing a simple Theme or web page layout, you […]
Photographing the Wind
The car door slammed, frustration evident not only in his body language but expression. "Trouble?" Brent deposited the camera into my lap and shook off his hat. "The damn wind." I looked outside at the field of wild daisies and sure enough, they were dancing around in the wind, white waves upon green stems. "You’re […]
WordPress Theme Tweaks and Twitches
I’ve been poking at this WordPress Theme of mine for a few days and all the little nitpicky stuff is getting me down. There are a lot of major and minor things to clean up. And I’m totally not happy with how FireFox is handling my old layout. In fact, I’m disgusted with my old […]
Working on the CSS and WordPress Theme
With the move to WordPress v1.5, things are a little more challenging for creating a CSS file. As I mentioned, the header, footer, index page, and other elements are now divided up into pages which are “included” in the main A div or class will start in one template file and finish in another, […]
File Downloading – Avoiding the Bug and Viruses
Over 90% of all viruses today enter your computer through email. The odds of you getting a virus through email in the USA as of 2001 was 1 in 1200. Today, your file virus checking software probably caught at least two in the past month. Currently, you cannot get a virus by exploring on the […]
Installing WordPress 1.5 and Modifying It
Wouldn’t you know it. Here I am, working my buns off to learn how to use WordPress, importing massive old articles into the database, playing around with a test site, and I’m about ready to make it go public, and WordPress releases not only a new version, but a humdinger of a new version. It […]
Learning More About WordPress
I’ve been making a plan, and checking it twice, going to find out if I’m naughty or nice….you know the routine. The effort to convert my site from static HTML to interactive database, specifically into WordPress, has been extremely educational. In other words, I’m learning more than enough about things I wish I didn’t know. […]