with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen

Lorelle VanFossen is one of the top bloggers in the world, and host of the Lorelle on WordPress, providing WordPress and blogging tips for bloggers of all levels. A popular keynote speaker and trainer, she is also editor, producer, contributor, and official disruptive thinker for Bitwire Media which includes WordCast, Making My Life Network, Stories of Our Journeys, Life on the Road, WordCast Conversations, and the very popular WordCast Podcast. She is also author of one of the first books on blogging, "Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging" and the recently released ebook, Social Media for Crafters: Covering the Basics of the Social Web. Taking Your Camera on the Road, founded by Lorelle, is one of the oldest personal websites in continuous existence in the world.

CSS Experiments – How They Were Done and More

CSS Experiments CSS Unleashed – Experiments with CSS Designs CSS Book Recommendations CSS Experiments Playing With CSS Blocks CSS Experiments with CSS Logo Designs CSS Experiments with Background Images and Backgrounds CSS Experiments with Lists, Menus, Tables of Content, and More CSS Experiments – Web Fonts and Embedded Fonts CSS Unleashed – Experiments with Quotations, […]

Traveling Smoke-Free

Smoking Banned on Beach The first city in California to ban smoking in bars and restaurants in 1991 has gone a step further. They have banned smoking on their one and a half mile city beach. Salana Beach, just north of San Diego, passed this new ordinance when local high school students came to them […]

Bits and Pieces from Home

I’ve been cleaning up a bit since I have the snorkels and sniffles and can’t concentrate for very long, and this blog may be indecipherable by the time I finish it, and I’ve found a stack of newspapers left over from Christmas. Now, you may find it odd that I have a stack of newspapers […]

Pig Fat, Prime Ministers, and Lost Money

Sometimes I like to share some of the bits and pieces I find in the news from Israel. Some of it is witty and bizarre, while others are more serious. All of it together presents some pieces to the puzzle that is Israel. Before coming here, we read about what to expect in Israel. One […]

Blaming Others and Not Yourselves

The news has been bad all day. Maybe as many as 150 dead in terrorist attacks against the celebrations of the first Shiite parade and festivities honoring Ashura (Ashoura) after a 30 year moratorium, the most important holy day on the Shiite Muslim calendar. In Pakistan, about 40 more are dead in another attack during […]

The Heat is On – Someone Check the Calendar!

Would someone out there please check the calendar for me. I know there is a screw up somewhere. Talk to the calendar administration folks covering calendar and seasonal activity in Israel for me, okay. Something is terribly wrong here. I know it is the first of March. March. Rushes in like a lion or something […]

Kotex and THE HEAT IS ON – Someone Check the Calendar!

Would someone out there please check the calendar for me. I know there is a screw up somewhere. Talk to the calendar administration folks covering calendar and seasonal activity in Israel for me, okay. Something is terribly wrong here. I know it is the first of March. March. Rushes in like a lion or something […]

Blaming the Security Fence

The media is amazing. I am constantly surprised at their determination to tie two or more completely unrelated things together in order to sensationalize. It isn’t the tabloid news I’m talking about. I’m also talking about major media networks and associations, ones we trust to bring us uncensored and quality news stories…ha! Bull poop! The […]

A Multiple Day Chat Conversation With My Mother

Just when you think you are safe, your mother gets into the thrill of Instant Messaging once she understands that she can chat for AGES and it will appear on your screen, waiting for you. She can chat all day while I sleep and I can answer her back while she sleeps, owing to the […]

The Secret in the Hill

I am eternally fascinated by nature’s wonders. The evolution of an “eye” on the wing of a butterfly. The antics of ants as they scurry around their ant hill, determined to get to and from wherever they are going. Brent and I are obsessed with pikas, tiny marvelous creatures of the high mountain talus, who […]

Planning for Immediate Departure – Myths – X-ray and Film

As I write this, we are planning for another of our frequent excursions out of our comfort zone (home on the road) to a foreign place where we don’t speak the language, have little clue on what we will find when we get there (tour books are only “so” helpful), and have prayers and hope […]

Letter to an Old Family Friend

Dear Dona: Mom told me that she really enjoyed your T-Day dinner. How fun. We kept things quiet here, just a dinner for two other couples, and only done out of obligation. We needed to pay back some dinners from ages ago, so we invited them over. It wasn’t much fun, but we tried. How […]

A Lovely Photo Blog

For those like us into nature photography, check out this lovely, photographic photo blog, shutterbug. This particular link goes to a lovely photograph of a lady bug on purple flowers. You move through the favorite pages of photographs by clicking the small arrow along the right side of the photo’s box. The design is lovely […]

Newsletter – Taking Your Camera on the Road – Know Before You Go

Due to many recent changes in the Internet and our lives, we’ve discontinued our monthly newsletter. Thanks to everyone who subscribed to our monthly newsletter. With the advent of feeds and feed readers, emailed newsletters are slowly becoming obsolete and redundant. To help readers keep up with the information on our site, we have dozens […]

What I Want for Christmas?

My parents and a few friends are asking me what I want for Christmas. Shoot, I have such a hard time finding presents for THEM, how in the world am I supposed to come up with ideas for myself? So it got me thinking. Now, if I had a body like Britney Spears or Jennifer […]