with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Tag Archives: adventure

I Hate It When He’s Right

Twenty years ago, I told Brent that I didn’t think I could ever be happier or more in love. I was terrified that the love wouldn’t last, that no one should have the right to be so happy for very long. It’s a rule in my family. There are no equal parts love and joy […]

The Story of the Magical Mystery Door

Originally published on Google+ Shashi Bellamkonda took this amazing photograph of my magical mystery door when he was visiting our home outside of Portland, Oregon. Here’s the story of the door. The crossing of the Cascade Mountains from the luscious greens of Western Washington to the dry, harsh desert side of the mountains to visit […]

Running Out of Rubbers – Greensboro, North Carolina to Tulsa, Oklahoma

Oh, my, well, we made it to Oklahoma. I don’t know how, and maybe I shouldn’t question it. We made it and that is all that matters. By the skin of our teeth, or should I say by the skin of our rubbers. Not that kind of rubber! Just wait. I’ll explain it all, if […]

Almost Worst Day of My Life – Day from Hell – Greensboro, North Carolina

If I thought the stress level for traveling was high, well, to quote our Carolina friends, "Whoo doggies!" Setting up a temporary home can be just as stressful. We finally have a phone! Yahoo! We probably won’t put an answering machine on here, since I’m here almost every day, so if there’s no answer, call […]

Meeting a Moose: Head On – Jasper, Alberta, Canada

Alongside the Ice Fields Parkway between Banff and Jasper National Parks lies unique natural depository of pink boulders. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? Out in the middle of nowhere: Pink boulders. Seems a passing glacier carrying these huge boulders from one place to another, and decided to drop its load. They sit out in the middle […]

If It’s Going to Break Down, It Will Invariably Happen in a Small Town On a Saturday Night

It never fails. In fact, you can count on it. If it’s going to break down it will invariably happen in a small town on a Saturday night. Every time. The corollary is that it the greater the hurry you are in, the longer it will take to get the parts. We’ve traveled 60,000 miles […]

First Day of Summer – Queen Wilhemina State Park, Arkansas

A change is happening. We feel it all around us. In some ways, it makes us happy, in other ways, it terrifies us. Without a doubt, it changes our perspective. The sun is out. Sure, we’ve suffered horrible heat as we’ve traveled all over the country, but the sun is starting to come out from […]