with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Tag Archives: 9-11

September 11 – Twelve Years After

It’s incredible to think that it has been 12 years since I published my experience of what has become known as 9/11, the day the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon was attacked by terrorist in the United States. Three weeks after the attack, I wrote of the hope we all had for our future, […]

Three Weeks After the Terror of September 11, 2001

It has been interesting to watch how people are handling the tragedy of September 11, 2001. I’m not in the United States, so I can only assume what it is like for those there. Here in Israel, it has been rather fascinating. From amid the horror and agony of watching the events of unnecessary terror […]

Terrorism Hits Home on 9-11

The world is different today. Not only is the landscape different in New York and Washington, DC, the world in general has completely changed today. My world changed today. Yesterday, a normal day, Naomi asked me if I knew where to get a deep fat fryer, the electric kind with a lid and filter to […]