with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen

Lorelle VanFossen is one of the top bloggers in the world, and host of the Lorelle on WordPress, providing WordPress and blogging tips for bloggers of all levels. A popular keynote speaker and trainer, she is also editor, producer, contributor, and official disruptive thinker for Bitwire Media which includes WordCast, Making My Life Network, Stories of Our Journeys, Life on the Road, WordCast Conversations, and the very popular WordCast Podcast. She is also author of one of the first books on blogging, "Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging" and the recently released ebook, Social Media for Crafters: Covering the Basics of the Social Web. Taking Your Camera on the Road, founded by Lorelle, is one of the oldest personal websites in continuous existence in the world.

Buying a Digital Camera

Digital photography techniques are no different than traditional photography techniques. Just because your camera is a technological whizbang, it is still a camera. Learn the basic fundamentals and then you can play with the gadgetry and technology. When you have a grasp of the qualities and techniques that go into creating a masterful photograph, a […]

The Technology of Staying in Touch Tomorrow

Staying in touch from the road tomorrow will be much easier and more efficient if things keep going they way they are. Cell phones will get smaller, look like watches and/or fit onto shirt collars, behind your ears, or even under the skin. Computers will get smaller with screens on special glasses or watch size […]

Computer Hardware for the Road

There are a variety of new tools and technology now available that help the traveling worker or person living and traveling on the road. Here are some common tools to help you as you travel. Tools for Connecting To connect to the Internet, whether for email or browsing, from the road, you have to consider […]

The Reality of the Internet on the Road

The reality of the Internet on the road is that by the time I post this article on my web page, the technology will have changed. That’s reality one. Reality two is that there is still, after all the changes and advancements, little or no easy Internet access on the road. Now that you’ve heard […]

Home on the Range

Expectations We used to think figuring out the right exposure for a photograph was the most complicated part of photography. Now, we know differently. Staying in touch while taking your camera on the road full time can be extremely challenging and exceptionally frustrating. It’s costly, and often complex. It’s not just a matter of finding […]

Paper Trails and Indian Love Calls

In the movies, it seems that all you have to do to find your true love is yodel across the valley. In today’s world, you have to have a mailbox. Yodels just don’t get you very far anymore. When taking your life on the road, you have to create "paper trails" for people to track […]

Living from Pay Phone to Pay Phone

The idea of taking your camera on the road is a concept usually filled with the excitement of being “out there”, embracing life and the possibilities, discovering new worlds and new civilizations…but no one ever told E.T. how hard it would be to phone home. You used to fill your pockets with change, find the […]

Networking – Ten Words or Less – Form

Print and fill out this form to help you create a mission statement and introduction describing your photography business and style in “ten words or less”. A. List all the words that describe your photography and/or your photography business   B. Whom do you want to sell your work to? (List as many as you […]

It’s What You Do, Not Just Who You Are

So you’re a famous photographer. Great. So what do you do? What you do speaks more about you than who you are. Being recognized for your actions carries more weight than just being a damn fine photographer. Being recognized as “someone” doesn’t happen by accident. You get “famous” for what you do with your life […]

Carded: May I have your card, please?

Without a doubt, one of the most effective marketing tools to invest in is a business card. When you make those networking connections, your business cards become road maps for people to track you down. It’s amazing what impact a 3 1/2 x 2 inch card can have. It’s a tiny billboard, and an amazingly […]

Business Card Design Tips

Business cards come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are the regular single-sided cards. A two-sided business card allows more space to get it all in. Fold-over cards provide the space of four cards in one. When considering a format for your business card, think about your “audience.” How will they use and […]

How to Succeed in the Business of Nature Photography

Making $$ Doing What Comes Nature-ly? You’ve spent a lot of money on equipment, classes, trips, film and processing. This hobby should start paying you back, right? Thinking about turning your hobby of photography into a business? The photography business is just like any other business – it’s a real business. You need to get […]

Life After The Visa Dance

Weeks later, we are still reeling with the after effects of the Visa Dance/20 Sheqel Maximum. Brent goes to get gas and the attendant, who recognizes him now, smiles if the total is below 20 sheqels. If it is above, he will wave his hands and do a mini version of the Visa Dance in […]

The Visa Dance – Shopping in Israel

Expectations and Shopping One of my life’s biggest problems, self-imposed of course, is dealing with my expectations. In general, I don’t think they are too high, too low, or even unreasonable. In life I expect people to treat each other to the best of their ability, hopefully fairly, and that I will be just smart […]

The Agony and Ecstacy of Living in Israel

I’m trying to find words to express how it felt to sit on the bed among the remains of our eight empty suitcases. Even though much of our life storage, odd bits and pieces, is spread across the USA, the remains just evacuated from our luggage is the only stuff that counts now. It’s here […]