Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen
Buying a Digital Camera
Digital photography techniques are no different than traditional photography techniques. Just because your camera is a technological whizbang, it is still a camera. Learn the basic fundamentals and then you can play with the gadgetry and technology. When you have a grasp of the qualities and techniques that go into creating a masterful photograph, a […]
Networking – Ten Words or Less – Form
Print and fill out this form to help you create a mission statement and introduction describing your photography business and style in “ten words or less”. A. List all the words that describe your photography and/or your photography business B. Whom do you want to sell your work to? (List as many as you […]
It’s What You Do, Not Just Who You Are
So you’re a famous photographer. Great. So what do you do? What you do speaks more about you than who you are. Being recognized for your actions carries more weight than just being a damn fine photographer. Being recognized as “someone” doesn’t happen by accident. You get “famous” for what you do with your life […]
Carded: May I have your card, please?
Without a doubt, one of the most effective marketing tools to invest in is a business card. When you make those networking connections, your business cards become road maps for people to track you down. It’s amazing what impact a 3 1/2 x 2 inch card can have. It’s a tiny billboard, and an amazingly […]
Business Card Design Tips
Business cards come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are the regular single-sided cards. A two-sided business card allows more space to get it all in. Fold-over cards provide the space of four cards in one. When considering a format for your business card, think about your “audience.” How will they use and […]
How to Succeed in the Business of Nature Photography
Making $$ Doing What Comes Nature-ly? You’ve spent a lot of money on equipment, classes, trips, film and processing. This hobby should start paying you back, right? Thinking about turning your hobby of photography into a business? The photography business is just like any other business – it’s a real business. You need to get […]