with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Got Meme? How to Attract Clients and Customers Attention

Effective marketing memes focus on a specific clientele and a solution, or better yet a common client problem. For example, “I help independent professionals attract more clients,” identifies a market and a client problem. It also invites the follow up question “How?” FedEx grew their now billion dollar business with the meme, “When it absolutely, positively, has to be there overnight.”

Whether you use a meme in the elevator, on your business card or in your mailings, it should help your prospects know whether you are talking to them and define you as someone who can help them solve a problem, and prompt prospects to ask if your products and services could help them, too.
Got Meme? How to Attract Your Clients’ and Customers’ Attention from SCORE

This short and to the point article looks at helping you develop a “meme” which is a key phrase used in networking, marketing and advertising to help people remember and understand what you do and why. We cover the specific steps in how to do this in our article on Casting Your Net-work – Ten Words or Less What Do You Do.

If you are serious about building up your business and spreading the word about what you do and what you have to offer, you can’t bypass this important step: Explain what you do, why you do it, how you do it, and who you do it for in ten words or less.

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