Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen
Back from the Post Office
I just got back from the post office in part one of our move back to the states. I figure that I should keep a record of how this all works so I can remember, and others can learn from our misery. We have to have some things in Tulsa when we arrive for our […]
Seeing Israel’s Firsts: Pull Out From Gaza and Arafat Sick and Rain
We’ve got an entire living room crammed with boxes and are almost done with the packing up. Not as much to pack as I thought, but more than I really want. We finally found some movers who we hope are good. Not much you can do but trust and trust and wait. I keep telling […]
About Brent’s New Job
Brent is on such an ego high, he is near impossible to live with. Okay, not completely, but he could be. Within about an hour’s time and 15 minutes work, he had a new job. Ain’t that cool. So nice to be in demand. Seems that someone he used to work with at Timco in […]
Preparing to Leave Israel
Well, the news is out and it is final. We are indeed finally leaving Israel after 5 years of a six month job. We are heading…get out the drum roll please!….to…..are you ready…..Mobile, Alabama. Can you say “southern”? Okay, so I’m not totally happy about the location but we’re committed. Or should be. The job […]
Surgery on Both Parents
My mother decided to blow her back out with her overactive life style and has been in terrible pain battling the results over the past 10 months. She has three blown or damaged discs in her back and has now relented to have back surgery, after trying EVERYTHING else to avoid it. From my understanding […]
Taking Your Camera on the Road Has New Web Site Address
PRESS RELEASE DATE: September 2004 SUBJECT: NEW Address! Taking Your Camera on the Road web site VanFossen Productions, Lorelle and Brent VanFossen “Taking Your Camera on the Road” Tel Aviv, Israel Tel Aviv, Israel – As of September 2004, will become After over nine years as, the VanFossens welcome the […]
It’s a Small Jewish World After All
Most of the jokes that come my way are tossed before even being inspected. Can’t stand email jokes! If there is a note in the title or the first line from the sender that says something like, “I saw this and thought immediately of you” or “This reminds me of when you and I…”. But […]
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road – A Twist on a Tale
Cruising around, fussing over odds and ends in my life, I decided to put Brent’s name in Google and see what the search came up with. Usually it is filled with tons of links to his famous Interactive Fiction computer game, She’s Got A Thing For A Spring, but this time I found a couple […]
Phooey on Marriage
Currently, the news out of the states for the past few months has been sprinkled with diatribe and exposes on same-sex marriage. When Bush brought this into the public arena with a disgusting rampage against the vile, sinners who even consider this, threatening to bring forth an amendment to the Constitution to guarantee that marriage […]
A Serious Plan for Peace
A friend sent me this with the title “Robin Williams Peace Plan”. I did a little search on the and Snopes hoax pages and found that this came out in 2003 and isn’t written by Robin Williams. Somehow that got added. The quote at the bottom is one of Robin Williams’ comedic comments, and […]
More Nauseating Pictures of New Kitten
Okay, this will be the last of the new pictures for a while, if we can stand it, but Brent has insisted that he show off his new daughter. Our new little kitten has a name. It is Kohav, pronounced CO-CKHah-v but CO-HAH-V will also work. The word features that horrid HCHKHeck sound like you […]
A Miracle Doesn’t Happen Every Day – New Kitten
Our hearts were broken when, after a couple really positive days with the rescued kitten, she started going downhill. I had a few hours of realization that we were going to lose her, and I fought as best I could. Then I said my goodbyes and prayers. But still she fought on. I called the […]
Surrounded by Cats
We had a great weekend in Eilat, and Brent played with tons of birds. But it was a weekend – week – about cats. We spent Friday night with friend in Beersheva, and their new adult cat addition to the family, whom I guess I had named the week before on a visit, Lady, slept […]
Alien Plants
A friend of mine, Ida, has given me some strange plants to put in my garden. We don’t know what they are but we find them around Tel Aviv. Ida told me that she never planted them, they just “fell out of the sky” into her window plant boxes and started growing. They are fairly […]
Website “Taking Your Camera on the Road” is Now New and Improved
PRESS RELEASE DATE: March 2004 SUBJECT: NEW and IMPROVED! Taking Your Camera on the Road Website VanFossen Productions, Lorelle and Brent VanFossen “Taking Your Camera on the Road” Tel Aviv, Israel Tel Aviv, Israel – You are receiving this email because you are 1) on our mailing list, 2) a friend, family, or […]