with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen

Lorelle VanFossen is one of the top bloggers in the world, and host of the Lorelle on WordPress, providing WordPress and blogging tips for bloggers of all levels. A popular keynote speaker and trainer, she is also editor, producer, contributor, and official disruptive thinker for Bitwire Media which includes WordCast, Making My Life Network, Stories of Our Journeys, Life on the Road, WordCast Conversations, and the very popular WordCast Podcast. She is also author of one of the first books on blogging, "Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging" and the recently released ebook, Social Media for Crafters: Covering the Basics of the Social Web. Taking Your Camera on the Road, founded by Lorelle, is one of the oldest personal websites in continuous existence in the world.

The Keywords Inside

Imagine a search engine spider or robot as a giant filter or colander. It pours your web pages through the colander and all the stuff it decides is useless is left in the colander and the useful stuff pours through, entering their searchable database ready for the search engine user to sift through with their […]

Web Page Optimization

There are two main aspects to preparing your pages for exposure to the World Wide Web. First is validation, the process of checking and rechecking the structure and design elements of a page to meet the standards. The other is a form of site maintenance, often called optimization – the process of fixing, repairing, maintaining, […]

Linkability – Link Popularity

After you’ve validated your web page’s code, content for search engines, is there anything else you can do to maximize your search engine ranking? Yes, there is. It’s known as “linkability” or “link popularity”. Google and other modern search engines are now determining a website’s ranking using the theory that if everyone is talking about […]

Preparation for Website Search Engine Submission

After you have produced amazingly worthwhile material and resources, other than getting the pages submitted to search engines, what could possibly be left? Okay, there are a few things left to do. Start by rechecking your code, both HTML and CSS. This process of cleaning involves triple checking that all the codes are accurate and […]

Website Development – Make a Schedule and Calendar

Wait! We’re Not Done! Make a Schedule! Yes, there is still MORE to do to fine-tune your website into a precision working machine. Part of keeping a viable website is to keep it current and updated. Another task is to monitor your web site to keep it visible to the search engines. Set up a […]

International Standards

Yes, we’re still not done. There is even more you need to know when it comes to web page and site development. While the following items are not required for everyone, they are well worth considering. International Challenges While the majority of web pages are in English, moves by the UN and other international groups […]

Senor Brent’s Alfajores

While living is Israel, we met a woman named Yehudit at the Friday morning Dizengoff Center food market who was selling strange cookies called alfajores. She offered us each a free sample, and we bought two dozen on the spot. Some of them made it home; in about two days, they were completely gone. Afterwards, […]

Website Tools and Software

Screen Resolution FYI – To change the Screen Resolution on a Windows operating system, RIGHT CLICK anywhere on your desktop away from icons and select from the menu PROPERTIES. Then choose SETTINGS and play around with your monitor resolution to be the highest quality while still being readable. Your screen will jump around and maybe […]

Viruses, Trojans, Worms, and Other Email Miseries

In 2003, experts are saying that the ratio of virus-infected messages to other e-mail traffic increased by nearly 85 percent. If this doesn’t scare you into purchasing an anti-virus software program and keeping your operating system up-to-date, I don’t know what will. If you haven’t protected your computer against the people with too much time […]

Popups, Spammers, Spyware, Gator, GAIN, and Adware

Determined to fight back against those who abuse the benefits of the Internet and the Web? As nature photographers and writers living in a computer world, we are constantly fighting the battles of online trash and litter. We have some techniques to help you fight off the popups, spammers, spyware, Gator, GAIN, viruses, trojans, worms, […]

Spam, Spammers, and Unsolicited and Unwanted Email

Recent polls show that about 85% of all email users believe spam should be banned. Efforts by the United States government and other countries to put a halt to spam email have been weak and ineffective, putting the responsibility in the hands of the user and not the spammer. Until spammers can be adequately caught […]

Shareware and Freeware Software Programs

We survive using shareware and freeware software. Don’t you? You should. Shareware and freeware software are programs available for download from the Internet that are either cheap or free. Before you start shaking your head and think that this is some kind of advertising ploy, it isn’t. We have been using shareware and freeware software […]

Top Specialty Search Engines List

Specialty search engines and directories are targetted towards a specific audience and their needs. Typically, medical directories feature medicine and medical information and resources. Travel-oriented directories only list travel-related topics. Be sure and read the fine print and criteria to ensure your site qualifies. Some of these specialty directories require a low fee, but most […]

Top Search Engines List

When it comes time to submit your website to search engines, it helps to have a list. The number and variety of search engines change rather quickly, but here is a general list of the top search engines with some information on where and how to submit to each search engine. To help you submit […]

Search Engine Directories and Indexes

In general, website lists like directories and indexes require manual submission for inclusion, and many require an inclusion fee. We’ve tried to list the ones that are free or inexpensive here. Like specialty search engines and directories, these are usually very specific in the website information they highlight, so be sure and read the fine […]