with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Tag Archives: life on the road

Know Before You Go: Where Am I? Using GPS

Global Positioning System (GPS) units have become a major fad for travelers thrilled with the idea of knowing where they are at all times. Modern GPS units include sophisticated maps and even vocal capabilities, providing, upon verbal command, the user with directions on when and how to turn as they maneuver the roads. Only the […]

City Blogs for Travelers

According to Bloggers Blog: City Bloggers Keep Conversations Going, there are a lot of blogs now dedicated to specific cities on the Internet. Bloggers in cities around the United States are organizing to share resources, ideas and stories. The bloggers tend to keep issues and stories going long after they appear on the local TV […]

FAA Statistics on Unruly Passengers

Did you know that you can view the statistics on unruly air passengers on a list at the FAA? That’s right! As a government agency, they are required to keep a score card on air travel statistics, including passengers who mess around on the airplane. The Federal Aviation Administration – Passengers and Cargo Statistics on […]

Know Before You Go: VAT Refunds

Did you know that as a tourist shopping in a foreign country you can get a refund on the sales tax or VAT (Value Added Tax) on your purchases when you leave the country? You can. With a minimum total purchase, often equivalent to about USD$100, made at a “tax-free” or “tourist” shop, and a […]

Know Before You Go: Paperwork

When we hit the road for more than a couple weeks, we used to have a notebook of papers we’d carry with us. There is a lot of papers you need to take with you when you take your life on the road and we’d rounded up quite a collection. Preparing to evacuate from Israel […]

Riding With the Urban Mappers

Amazon.com’s A9.com Project Team is mapping the United States. Riding With the Urban Mappers tells of how this team of experts developing “block-view technology” which A9.com began this spring, allowing users to “virtually stroll city streets to get directions and identify local businesses.” The group travels via two utility trucks with a video camera on […]

Travelers Benefit from the Race for Aerial Maps

If you like to see, and I mean REALLY see a place before you visit, major sites and search engines want your attention. They are all rolling out aerial maps in different forms. Google recently released their

Freedom Roads RV Retailer Announces Miracle Miles

FreedomRoads, the nation’s largest RV retailer, today announced that it has created an arm of the company named Miracle Miles that will provide funding to charitable organizations. It is projected that Miracle Miles will distribute in excess of $1 million per year. Miracle Miles will be an associate-driven and administered organization which will encourage expansion […]

Know Before You Go: Weather Information and Resources

Weather affects the nature photographer and travler by either offering dramatic weather situations and light to photograph in, or by hampering the excursion. Either way, you need to get out in the weather if outdoor and nature photography is your passion. We have some articles to help you with photographing weather and photographing “in the […]

India adopts tough hijack policy

While the rest of the world is still waffling on their policy for dealing with hijackers, India adopts tough hijack policy that will allow it to “down hijacked commercial planes deemed to have become ‘missiles’ heading for strategic targets.” The new law which will be introduced soon in India is an attempt to take away […]

Next Stop: The Moon?

Moon Could Be Next Tourist Trap caught my attention. As a long time science fiction and outer space fan, growing up with the thrill of watching man walk on the moon, I was excited to think that I might be able to soon put the moon on my travel itinerary. Ah, but sorry folks. right […]

Know Before You Go: Travelers Tracking Terrorist Alerts

The word “terrorism” finds itself scattered across our newspapers every day. It affects where you go and what you do, adding a new worry to an already stressed out world. Get rid of the stress of the unknown and find out what is going on. The US government has set up an Emergency Email Network […]

Know Before You Go: Translate Web Pages

Often, the best information about a place comes from a website written in the language of the place. You can now translate most web pages into the major languages of the world. Heading for Germany? Spain? Russia? Sweden? Want to read the news or web pages written in that language so you can find out […]

Know Before You Go: WIFI in Flight Under Attack by FBI

One of the hottest tickets in the travel business is the new WIFI service onboard international airlines that is growing so fast, the airlines can’t get the technology onboard fast enough to keep up with their own interest and enthusiasm. How do I know? My husband, Brent, works as a DER and structural engineer for […]

Know Before You Go: Health Shots, Travelers Medical and Travel Insurance

The US and many countries require or recommend specific immunizations before traveling to or from specific areas. You can find information for the US’s policies for the US State Department, the UK Government, and in Canada’s Medical Services. Some countries require an International Health Certificate verifying your immunizations and health, available from your doctor. For […]