with Lorelle and Brent VanFossen

Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen

Lorelle VanFossen is one of the top bloggers in the world, and host of the Lorelle on WordPress, providing WordPress and blogging tips for bloggers of all levels. A popular keynote speaker and trainer, she is also editor, producer, contributor, and official disruptive thinker for Bitwire Media which includes WordCast, Making My Life Network, Stories of Our Journeys, Life on the Road, WordCast Conversations, and the very popular WordCast Podcast. She is also author of one of the first books on blogging, "Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging" and the recently released ebook, Social Media for Crafters: Covering the Basics of the Social Web. Taking Your Camera on the Road, founded by Lorelle, is one of the oldest personal websites in continuous existence in the world.

Hellos to New Life and Goodbyes to Old

The past few weeks have been a kaleidoscope of hellos and goodbyes. The goodbyes have been tough. Not only have I had to say goodbye to my wonderful (and frustrating) 5 year life in Israel and the lifestyle I’d become accustomed to, I had to say goodbye to my dear friends, almost family, left behind. […]


Looking at various web page designs, I stumbed upon a site with a listing of MacGyver Episodes. For those who don’t know, MacGyver was a long running and popular television series in the US that is now in syndication around the world about a spy – detective – cia – fbi – something – like […]

Quake Made the Earth Move

According to an article at CNN.com – Scientists say that the Indian Ocean Earthquake may have made Earth wobble. Richard Gross, a geophysicist with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, theorized that a shift of mass toward the Earth’s center during the quake Sunday caused the planet to spin 3 microseconds, or millionths of a […]

CNN.com – World News: Election Watch

Traveling around the world, it’s important to stay up-to-date on all kinds of information about your destinations, including travel warnings, medical news, weather, and the local politics. CNN.com – World News: Election Watch features the dates and information about elections all over the world. As seen recently in the Ukraine, elections can turn violent or […]

Lastest Figures of Terrorism in Isarel

During 2004, 118 Israelis died in 55 terrorist attacks – 14 by suicide killers. Security forces thwarted 116 attacks, rounded up 4,947 terrorist suspects. According to Israel Defense Forces figures presented Wednesday, the number of Israeli civilians killed in terror attacks and the number of troops killed in battle in the territories dropped by 44 […]


In a story today on NPR’s Morning Edition, they discussed SoundExchange, an organization created as part of the recent Digital Copyright Protection Act: We have been designated by the U.S. Copyright Office to collect and distribute statutory royalties to sound recording copyright owners and featured and nonfeatured artists. Our board members and staff are dedicated […]

Tips for Temps

Having hired temporary workers and been one myself for several years, here are some of the lessons I learned, often the hard way. Keep Home at Home, Work at Work Keep personal issues at home People really don’t care if you are having a good or bad day. They don’t really care if you are […]

Israel Blog – Israellycool

A fascintaing blog from a young Aussie living in Isarel at Israellycool – Down Under punditry in the Middle East is actually quite fascinating and recently received top Blog awards. You can find more links to information about Israel on our site, too, along with lots of stories about our life in Israel. Mobile, Alabama

2004 Weblog Awards

Even bloggers can win awards, a whole variety of them. Winners have been announced at 2004 Weblog Awards. Mobile, Alabama

Start a Winning Blog Article

Interesting article on blogging from the Washington Post called Start a Winning Blog. If you are thinking about blogging, or already at it, you can learn a few things here about the business behind the blog. Mobile, Alabama

Voices Over the Computer

It seems that technology is finally catching up with desired results. For the longest time people have wanted to “talk” to their computers. This isn’t something from the fiction of Star Trek, it is just “easier” to talk to your computer than to move around through menus, clicking and tapping on your mouse and keyboard. […]

WordPress Plugin – Related Posts

There is a lot about WordPress and PHP that I’m still learning. I did my first PHP mySQL query today as part of the installation of Wasabi’s Related Posts WordPress Plugin. This is a truly AWESOME WordPress plugin. Unfortunately, the help file isn’t very helpful when it comes to explaining how to access your mySQL […]

Adding Photographs

I’ve finally gotten around to editing and posting photographs from my little digital camera that bit the dust on the day we moved into our current campground in the pouring rain. Just for your information, I’ve added photographs to the following blog entries so you can see pictures of our traumas as well as photographs […]

Meeting the Market Needs – Editing Your Photographic Images

Let Your Photographs Talk Not long ago a friend published his first article in a travel magazine. I called to compliment him on the great article and wonderful photographs. He amazed me by telling me the editor didn’t print the photographs he wanted. Dismayed, I asked, “Why did you send photographs you didn’t want published?” […]

WordPress Plugins Database

I found an interesting collection of WordPress plugins from Unknowngenius.com’s WordPress Plugins Database. Worth checking out. Mobile, Alabama